Tuesday 13 October 2009

And Sometimes Hell!

Sometimes it’s hard to know quite what to write when you are starting a new project.
It’s easy enough to come up with ideas, but it’s harder to carry those ideas forward to make a novel everyone would want to read.

At the moment, I’m not sure if my idea is the right one. I have a few characters sketched out, a bit of background detail, and not much else. I have been playing around with a few ideas for the storyline for quite awhile now, but it’s just not gelling.

What makes a story work?

It’s hard to know... when you want to create something very different, but not too different because it makes it harder to categorise it. The one thing both agents and publishers want is a novel they know just where to put it on the shelf.

You want something your readers can relate too. If you write something too far from the norm, you can lose your readers before you’ve even begun your story.

Writing can be a joy, but sometimes it can be a hell of your own making.

I shall let you know what happens next.


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